Quantum Healing
“Everything is energy” - Albert Einstein, 1944.
Quantum healing is based on the principles of quantum physics - everything in the universe is made up of energy and how we consciously interact with that energy plays an important role in shaping our reality.
Quantum healing typically involves visualisation, meditation and mindfulness. There is reflection and an understanding in sessions that our thoughts, beliefs, emotional patterns and life experiences influence and shape our reality and health. Quantum healing can rebalance energy, clear blockages in energy flow and as the body is considered self healing, many interesting things may occur. Quantum is also multidimensional, so healing can take place on all levels, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
When I first ventured into this work, it was explained to me that many different healing modalities would come to Earth to be taught and used around the world during these times. Some are new and some are ancient. Many different modalities are needed, so that you, each individual finds exactly what suits your needs.
Quantum has no limits and quantum entanglement has shown us that healing may occur without regard to distance. Having taken part in and facilitated many amazing online sessions myself, I am now delighted to provide this option for clients. Energy healing has changed over the years and I continue to see it expand and grow daily, it's a very exciting time to be alive!
Carole Magee

Born in Belfast, I’ve always loved home. Home is where the heart is and I totally agree with that. There's something very special about this place, the land and the people. I'm very proud to come from this little island. Yes we have a complicated history, but I love that people here have warmth of character, a brilliant sense of humour and a passion for growth. The scenery is beautiful and the land rich in forgotten stories. I hope to keep unearthing these stories through the fascinating people I meet, to share with you here along the way.

“Although I've never had a 13th Octave LaHoChi session I understood the concept of energy healing. However, I wasn't really prepared for the experience. It was beautiful. I set my intention and lay back while Carole worked her magic.”
Natasha, NI
“From the session I am now able to walk in this lifetime with a deep understanding and make decisions from the heart. It truly has been life changing for me. I can recommend a session with Carole, this is definitely her life path and passion in life, as she works from her heart space. Thank you so much for providing me with the opportunity to speak with my higher self. ”
Fiona, NI
“Meeting my higher self was incredible and I have been reaping the benefits of it ever since. The self-healing is so powerful and even just the day after my session I experienced an unbelievable release from my physical body.”
Treasa, NI