This client was having some issues at work, she felt she couldn’t speak up. So it was fascinating to hear how help from another lifetime came forward to assist her -
“I’m standing in tall grass”.
“The wind is blowing and the sun is shining on me. This relaxes me and makes me calm”.
What else do you notice in this place?
“I just like being in nature. It takes away all the chaos. It’s the simple things, like the wind blowing in your face… the sun shining on you. I just like touching the flowers and the grass, it makes me in awe of nature and how beautiful everything is and how different everything can look when everything works together. We keep each other going and sustain each other. Everything has a purpose… Everything has a part to play”.
So what else are you noticing there?
“There’s a bubble. Like a big raindrop… it’s hard to describe. It’s like a big raindrop and there’s so much design within this one rain drop and I can see how much depth it has to it. I can see how the light reflects off it… like all rainbow reflections, how the sun reflecting off it can make it show all these different beautiful colours”.
“I think I have to get in it” she says laughing.
Just go ahead and do that if it feels right.
“I get in it and sit down”.
What’s it like in there, in that bubble?
“Safe… I feel happy, it’s beautiful and magical”.
Just take some time to feel all those feelings.
“I feel I’m a little elemental” she says as she starts to laugh. “I’m like a little pixie person. I feel I have a hat… and I can sit in these bubbles of rain. I’m small but I feel very strong… I’m mischievous” she says laughing again. “I know how to be mischievous. I have a little pointy hat on, a little green dress, little turned up boots and I have a little upturned nose…I come here to be alone, for peace and quiet, away from my duties”.
Do you do that often?
“Yeah, I can be myself here. This is where I quiet away all the noise, I can think and create here. My job is to help others. Sometimes when I get a bit stuck or I need quiet, I come here to refresh and get clarity”.
How does it feel when you do that, in that place?
“I feel it helps me release all my worries. So I can get back to being creative and do my job again. This is not a sad place, this is a beautiful bubble. I feel there’s something stuck in my throat. I feel I can use all the colours in the bubble. Whatever colour needs to come forth to help me, it does it within this bubble”.
Do you get a sense of what colour will resolve that and clear the throat?
“Yes, there’s like a little blue bubble… like a little blue orb coming towards me. A little tiny blue orb coming towards my throat”.
Let me know what happens.
“It’s like there’s a lifting. .. It’s working in a circular motion, it’s clearing it”.
How does that feel now as it begins to clear?
The client coughs and clears her throat a few times. “I think I have a bit more to go” she says.
That’s okay take as much times as you need.
“So I can place it now on my throat and I can feel the vibration of it. It’s easier to swallow, it’s easier to breathe and that area no longer feels heavy”.
She starts to laugh again as she says “I feel a little rainbow shower is now happening. Just for further clarity and clearing. You can do anything in this bubble. Little rain drops of rainbow light… it’s like a shower, it feels cool but not cold and there’s like a plug hole at the bottom of the bubble and it’s all just washing away. I’m aware that there’s a bit of a dark cloud around my head. So it’s helping me wash that away too. That mist, that fog, it’s cleansing it all away” she sighs sounding relieved.
“It cleanses down and goes down the plug hole. Nothing pollutes this water, it’s so good at cleansing and refreshing. It understands that that’s its purpose. Nothing can pollute it or contaminate it. It actually works with that energy to then refresh and integrate it. Everything has a purpose, everything works together to restore balance and harmony”.
How does that feel now?
“I feel refreshed and I don’t feel bad or sad that that cloud or that mist or that stuck energy was there in my throat and head because it had a purpose. It had a purpose to bring me to where I am in my learning. And I can always come to this place, I have the tools to work with whatever energy comes my way, to restore balance and harmony back into whatever job I have”.
So you can go there anytime you wish?
Playfully laughing she says “Yes. some of my best ideas come from this place”.
The session continued on with the Pixie sharing further information on how everything in nature works together to keep balance and harmony. The parallels to the clients life now were fascinating. She was brought back into balance and harmony and can use this method of restoration any times she wishes💧🌈✨
