A client has kindly allowed me to share an important day, from her current life that the Higher Self wanted her to see. I loved listening to this memory as it reminded me of being a kid and how much fun it is using your imagination.
What do you notice?
“It’s my birthday. Mums made rice crispy buns, top hats and sarnies. My friends have arrived and I’m pleased that they’re there… pleased that they’ve come.
Some of the older one’s decide to make up a story. They put me on a chair and make me close my eyes and then they begin to lift the chair and take me around. They use things to make up a story, to brush across my face or tickle me”.
What stories are they making up?
“Travelling through a jungle and meeting the animals, brushing past foliage. I remember they used wheat to brush my cheek. They put the chair with me on it by the fireside and finish the story and everybody laughs. Mum then has the food set out for everyone”.
Sounds like a brilliant day? “It was”.
How did that make you feel? “Really good”.
Later in the session I asked the Higher Self why did you show her that day?
“It was filled with love and laughter. She felt loved and special and part of a group who were happy to be around. Mum was happy too”.
How fun was that, pretending to be in the jungle? Imagination is so important and encouraging imagination in children is very important. That’s how we naturally learn to create and manifest. It also raises our vibration 💗
When I was younger being told you were “full of imagination” was a put down. My client was told by her teacher she had TOO MUCH imagination! Sadly I believe this is done at a young age to stifle us.
Imagination is one of our greatest gifts. To place ideas, plans, affirmations… in fact placing anything positive into your imagination is an intellectual act.
There are two quotes that I love from Einstein and he knew a thing or two 🤓
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” 💫
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want your children to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales”. 💗
We co-create our reality through our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and experiences. So encourage children’s imagination and join in yourself. Place in your imagination the possibility that you can do anything, that all things are possible. And have your kids know that if they are “full of Imagination” it’s the greatest compliment anyone can ever give them and if they’ve TOO MUCH imagination, well they must be genius 😉
P.S. thanks Mum and Granny K for all the fairytales, books and trips to the library 😘
