Blocks frequently come up in sessions and a reoccurring theme I notice is people protecting their heart. Metal shields around the heart, a large plug to plug it up, brick walls… the list goes on. This can happen at any age - a childhood incident at school with friends, division within a family, a romantic relationship. A part within you puts the protection up 🛡️💗🛡️ and unknowingly you just go on with life, not realising this has happened. We are the most powerful protectors of our hearts.
Healing ourselves is all about finding these hidden parts. We all have them, but once we find the root cause - the understanding of why we put the protection up, we can agree to make peace with it and let it go.
In sessions the Higher Self, with your understanding and agreement can release the block. The Higher Self helps with whatever needs to be done, whether that’s a bulldozer or unplugging and flooding that area with love. People always notice a lightness in their physical immediately.
The good news is you can also do this yourself with awareness and shadow work. The same situations and same types of people will keep turning up in your life to mirror this hurt part within. Instead of shielding we can learn about boundaries and put them in place. The more you practice this, the more awareness you will have when these situations and people present themselves.
Knowing yourself is important - what you will accept and want you won’t. Boundaries will be your strength in not allowing others to hurt you. Standing in your power will allow you to receive the love that you deserve into your life with an open heart 💚✨
