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The Pillar ✨🧍‍♀️✨

Writer: Carole MageeCarole Magee

This lovely client arrived on the day of her session saying she felt awful. She had bumped into her ex-husband over the weekend and a lot of emotions had come up. My client has very kindly allowed me to share what her Higher Self said -

Did her ex-husband trigger her this weekend?

“It is more the shifts that are happening in the Earth that have affected her. The Earth at this time is changing and she’s feeling these energies. She didn’t know what to put it down to and he was there, so it made sense to her, but it isn’t actually anything to do with him. It is much more, it is bigger than that”.

What is her purpose in this lifetime?

“She is connected to the Earth and when the Earth changes she changes. She is a pillar. There will come a time that she will have to stand up, that she is going to be needed. That time is not yet, but it is coming. She just needs to be there to hold the Earth, to help the energy move through. Where she lives is a spiritual strong place and there will be much activity there in time to come. The universe will look after her”.

So how can we help her, as it affects her body?

“She must put her roots down, she has to stand strong and not move as the Earth moves around her. We will be there to help her”.

What do you notice about the body?

“Her body is tired. She has done a lot and she has transmuted a lot of energy through this body and she doesn’t always realise that, so she doesn’t rest and she needs to do that”.

Will you help her with that? Give her a sense that it’s ok to rest?

“Yes, we continue to do this but she does not listen because she carries this stigma or feeling from her family that you must be doing something, to sit down is wrong and to rest is wrong. To rest is not wrong and it’s what she needs to do more of. She is transmuting energy constantly, so she is not resting. She needs to drink more water, consider taking better food and spend time doing something she enjoys but is not physically using any energy. Understanding what she is feeling will help her because she has wanted to know”.

Can she differentiate between what is her energy and what she is transmuting?

“She absolutely can but it’s the understanding that something is happening in the Earth, she likes to understand. We have sent her to a lot of places to be there when the energy needed moved. She is in Northern Ireland for a reason. She was born in the troubles and she needed to be here. She came to transmute the energy, to help the light get in, people prayed for this, they wanted peace in Northern Ireland, so she came. She moves the energy through the gridlines and back and they are transmuted, they are removed from this Earth. The energy must go somewhere, it just cannot stay, it has to be removed. So she is one of the pillars that removes the energy and there are many pillars along these lines, she is one. She does know what she is doing, this we don’t have to tell her. She has done this many times. It has been challenging in every lifetime”.

Why does she choose challenging lifetimes?

“This allows her to move up further in the line of things. She likes to be able to be ahead, she likes to be of use, of service and this is what is most needed at this time. She did also have another lifetime whenever she held these gridlines over the war times, so she has done this before and she knows what she is doing”.

She keeps being told “Remember who you are”?

“Again this goes back to the aspects of her feeling very low, when the energy is flowing through her, she has to remember that this is a temporary thing and that this is her job, this is what she’s here to do and once she remembers that, she can stand up tall like the pillar she is and let that flow through her. We have tried to give her this message in various ways, maybe now she will remember. There are more people who are pillars, there are more people who are transmuting energy, they need to know what they are feeling”.

Yes they really feel it in their body.

“Because this is how it is released from the Earth and transmuted. It comes from her, from the Earth up and is transmuted up through into the Galaxy. This is how we move the negative energy out of the Earth”.

What do you want the pillars to know?

“Their role is as important as the role of the healers, as the role of the other helpers but they don’t get the same recognition because it’s not as glamorous as other roles are… you don’t publish books and you don’t go on TV, they just very quietly go about their job and do what they must do”.

And it’s so important what they are doing.

“This is correct”.

Should these people that are pillars connect to support each other?

“Pillars stand on their own, they are not connected and they do not need to be connected”.

What information would be of comfort to the pillars during theses times ahead?

“Acknowledging what they are doing at being strong is the most comfort that they will need. Life for them feels harder because they feel everyone’s energy going through, the negative energies and the cries of mother (Earth), they go through them but this is not them, they are separate from the energy that goes through them. Without them the rest of you couldn’t do what you are doing. These pillars have always been here in various lifetimes”.

It’s a tough role to take on isn’t it?

“It’s a hard role and they are old souls, they have had many incarnations, in many times. At this time they are mostly centred here (on Earth)”.

Why is it important for the pillars to be here at this time?

“Because Earth is moving into its new age and because the Earth has been so polluted and so abused, it is crying and it needs an outlet for its energy. If you boil a kettle of water, the hot water, the air must go somewhere, so if it doesn’t come out at these points there will be an explosion and there will be no more Earth”.

What does Gaia think of these pillars?

“She has cried and she has asked for their help, the council have heard and they have responded and the volunteers have come to do this job. It is a job that is hard to do and not everyone is able to do it. They are old souls but they are not all old people, young people do this too”.

How many pillars for example, does Northern Ireland need?

“There is quite a few… 30 maybe but where she lives is a centre of this because of the sacred site, so there is quite a few that must be in that area because all things lead to there. The site has been there for many millennia and many, many lifetimes of people have worshipped and celebrated at that site. The energy flows to there and from there. In the days to come we need to keep those channels clear and this is why she is there and why she has awoken the others that are there”.

So there you go, it might not be the ex-husband after all! 🤯

I’ve met a few energy workers of land and they can feel quite tired and isolated. That’s why I made the suggestion to connect them, but it’s not meant to be. What an amazing job you do, Gaia personally asked for your help 🌍🙏

If you resonate with this information, you might like to read Dolores Cannon’s - The 3 Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth.



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