Ever wanted to know what happens when your soul leaves your body? ✨
Sometimes our guide/s come to greet us, or sometimes it’s our family on the other side. Sometimes it’s both - we are never alone.
My client has very kindly allowed me to share her story. Her Dad had passed and she missed him deeply. She had questions about how to move forward with her family.
During her session she was shown an interesting life as a man. This section of the session continues on from when the man dies.
Now you’re out of the body is there somewhere you need to go?
“I’m travelling over the land, I’m on an eagle’s back, I can see wings. There’s (and she starts laughing)… I can see a little black bird sitting on its neck too hitching a ride”.
How do you feel?
“I’m really happy, flying through the clouds, in and out of the clouds and I feel the cold of the moisture of the cloud. Swooping down… over the mountains, the green and brown”.
Seeing she was really enjoying this I asked her - Do you like that feeling?
“Yeah it’s free… I’m going to a beach. I think there’s somebody there… we are diving down”.
She describes the beach but it’s not a very nice beach, she says it’s full of rubbish 🧐 She tells me a man appears out of fog so I ask her to describe him.
“He’s tall, he’s like Greek (she’s laughing) like Aristotle (a Greek philosopher). He’s wearing a robe, has a big long beard and bald. He’s carrying a book. He wants to go sit on the rocks… we are going to walk over. He’s just asking me how I am… How’s my day, how are you? I tell him everything is ok”.
Do you get a sense of why he’s there?
“I think he wants to give me a page out of his book, he says I need to know things… he’s funny”.
What’s on the page?
“I’m trying hard to read it… he’s saying “Just do the right thing. Just always do the right thing and that will be your guide in life. And be honourable, stand by it so you can’t be judged to have been duplicitous or can’t be judged to have been dishonourable”… He’s just walking away saying “Take care of yourself”.
I’m in my own clothes now, bare feet. I’m back, I’m not the man anymore. I’m sitting on a bit of driftwood in the air, swinging my legs. I’m really happy. The eagle is sitting beside me. He’s my friend, he’s my bond… he’s my guide. He guides me through life, he’s my protector, he’s there for me”.
What kind of things does he help you with?
“Decisions, places to go, people to avoid”.
Does the eagle have a message for you?
She starts laughing. “Yeah but I can’t say it… (still laughing). He says “Stop f*cking up” (we are both laughing now).
Why is he saying that to you?
“Because he’s funny… more “Don’t f*ck up” instead of “Stop f*cking up”. He thinks he’s funny. He’s saying let’s move onto my questions”.
So I ask to speak to her Higher Self and work my way through her questions. When we get through them I ask the Higher Self who was the eagle? And the answer was brilliant.
“That was her Dad. He is guiding her, he is always guiding her… Being funny”.
What does her Dad want her to know?
“He wants her to know he’s still guiding her and she is still his… (uses the pet name he had for her)” 🥰
They had a very good relationship didn’t they?
“The best”.
What does he want her to know?
“Don’t worry, it’s all going to work out. You’ve got this!”
Who was the blackbird?
It was explained this was her younger brother. She has a close relationship with him and she said beforehand he seemed to just sail through life. Her Dad explained laughing “riding on the coat tails of everybody… he’s a good kid. I’m there for you and him, I’m carrying the weight”.
How can she tell when Dad’s there?
“He sends her signs all the time, plus she said “Dad send me tenners not pennies” and he does. She finds random tenners all the time”.
She’s smart isn’t she? “Yes”
That’s a good one to remember 😂
Her Dad then gave her lots of advice about moving forward with the family.
I then ask her Higher Self - Who was the robed man on the beach that came out of the fog?
“That was just a guide telling her to use her smarts”.
Was there any meaning to the beach full of rubbish?
“The beach is like her mind at the moment… scattered… not focused… yeah she’s juggling too many plates”.
Can we help her with that today, clean up that beach and make it beautiful again?
So we continued on with the session and the client received lots of helpful information moving forward with her life.
When we talk after the session she explained that the eagle joked around just like her Dad did with her.
The contrast in her guides was really interesting too. In her past life as a man she had a very important role and he had grand stature within the place he lived and worked. His guide was a man of stature too, I don’t think he would’ve understood an eagle swearing at him 😂 but when she returned to being her personality she understood the eagle completely.
If this story was of interest to you Dolores Cannon wrote a whole book on this subject - it’s called Between Death and Life. It’s a fascinating read and a great starter book into her work.
